USC-MISC Newsletter- Fall 2014



We are in post-production on a PSA recently filmed for Save The Children's early childhood education initiative. Look for its release later this year!
USC-MISC is developing 4 PSAs in partnership with the Tesla Foundation Group and the Viterbi School of Engineering to explore the potential impact of UAVs on society. You can help with our research by taking our 2 minute survey here


USC-MISC's short film made for Armani's Films of City Frames premiered at the Toronto Film Festival last month. Watch iLA here
We are currently developing the first Conference4Change in partnership with Unite4Good and Variety. Entertainment industry leaders and artists will unite to share ideas, explore creative opportunities, and engage in work committed to infusing the most pressing social issues of our time into the stories we tell.
  • Eric Marshall's short satire on California's tax spending to support capital punishment was honored with the highest awarded project in the student category with a 2014 Clio Award-Silver. You can watch The Cost of Dying here
  • At the LA Emmys in July, USC-MISC’s collaboration with CBS2/KCAL9 to create “Power of the PSA” took home two golden statues. “Power of the PSA” won for Education and SCA student-directed “Help A Soldier Heal” won in the Public Service Announcement category. Read the full story here

This Spring, USC-MISC will be awarding a $5,000 scholarship to an SCA grad student dedicated to creating social impact with his/her work. MISC scholarship applications will become available in January 2014


The 10th Annual MY HERO FILM FESTIVAL on Nov. 22nd will be held at the Herb Alpert Educational Village. MYHERO is also already calling for submissions for 2015. Visit   

The Sustain-A-Video contest has extended its deadline for submissions of through Dec. 1st. Visit USC Sustainability
In the News
To support a future of social change media
makers, donations can be made by choosing

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Media Institute for Social Change (MISC)

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USC Media Institute for Social Change is a nonprofit organization of industry professionals who use cinema to create an awareness of social issues and inspire positive actions throughout the world. With a mission to support emerging media makers who weave pro-social messaging into their stories, USCMISC is changing the world one film at a time.
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